Yeni Online Platform ve Yeni Kitap
Mental Aritmetik Eğitiminde İmath ile Başarı %100 arttı.
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"Öğrencinizin Mental Aritmetik Eğitimindeki Gelişim Durumunu" takip edebilirsiniz.
IMATH: the 'online teaching portal' that has helped in the success of abacus learning
The teacher and head office check/follow up with student in the IMATH module
Success rates are higher among students who use the IMATH module.
The most important element of the TİAMO mental arithmetic program is IMATH.
Students should complete their homework on time in the IMATH module
Mathematical problems are solved as quickly as a calculator with TIAMO.
Leadership qualities are shown by being able to answer questions in the classroom very quickly.
TİAMO education assists in the development of your childs left and right brain.
TİAMO education helps to develop perspective, interpretation, alaysis and synthesis skills
TİAMO education assists in increasing listening, concentration and memory capacity